Know Your Numbers
Join us as we discuss how business owners can get action oriented knowledge from their financial records. Our session will look at several different business types and it is aimed all entrepreneur, with or without a knowledge of finance and accounting.
What You'll Receive:
Answers to difficult questions:
- What will it take for me to sleep at night, – or what is the number I need to make to break even every month?
- If my business is growing why do I seem to be falling further behind, – or how can I make sure the cost to acquire and the cost to serve more customers doesn’t take my business in the wrong direction?
- What will it take for me to pay myself, – or what is the number I need to pay myself the equivalent of a fair, living wage?
- How do I afford to start working on my business rather than just in business, – or what is the number that lets me take a vacation?
Who Should Attend?
- Exsisiting Business Owners trying to get a handle on their finances.
- Current Owners who wannt to support their lifestyle outside of the business.