Find Your Import/Export Markets with Market Research

Widener University SBDC recently purchased a subscription to Kompass® a Global B2B portal to find & contact products or services suppliers. Kompass is a world-leading B2B information provider with a data base of over 53 million companies. With a presence in over 70 countries and regions across the globe, Kompass is an internationally-recognized company that’s dedicated to helping you master your market, sell your products or services, and market your brand.
By working with Widener University SBDC and the Kompass tool importers & exporters will be able to identify suppliers, markets, distributors, transportation companies, and support services to grow their businesses. The 53 million contacts can be searched through activity (including NAICS, SIC Codes, & product description), location, company size, company and product brand/trade name. The report output includes company description, key contacts, and useful information about the company and its products.
The workshop will introduce and demonstrate the Kompass tool. A Kompass representative will attend to answer questions and really show how the tool can be utilized. This will be an extremely interactive session. We will be taking specific requests from the attendees for information they would like to see. WE ARE HERE TO GET YOU WHAT YOU NEED TO START & GROW YOUR BUSINESS!!!

Attendees will receive:
During this webinar, you will discover why “there’s more to EasyBusiness than just a database” and how Kompass EasyBusiness can help you with exporting, importing, trading and finding new partners.
Learn why EasyBusiness is the ultimate global B2B prospecting solution that helps you:
- segment and analyze your market
- plan and organize your marketing campaigns
- create lead generation activities
After the webinar, attendees will be able to use over 60 search criteria and Kompass classifications- using filters such as location, industry, and number of employees, and also by not-so-obvious filters, such as languages spoken, turnover rates, and import/export region.
You will also learn how purchasing departments can look for new suppliers.

Who is it for?
- Companies currently importing/exporting
- Companies considering importing/exporting
- Import/Export support companies