Environmental Management Assistance
Environmental Management Assistance

The Small Business Environmental Management Assistance (EMAP) Program provides free and confidential environmental compliance assistance to small businesses. Our environmental consultants will help you understand how to comply with regulatory requirements and assist with the preparation of plans and permit applications for start-up and existing businesses.
EMAP provides Pennsylvania small businesses with the answers and assistance they need to effectively manage their environmental concerns and reduce regulatory risks.
EMAP provides one-on-one environmental compliance assistance to small business owners in all industry sectors – retail, commercial and industrial. Whether you are an auto body shop, dry cleaner, manufacturer, brewery, or printer EMAP will provide the help you need.
EMAP’s no-cost environmental compliance services include:
One-on-one confidential consultation to help you understand the regulatory requirements at your business.
Conducting on-site assessments.
Assisting with air emissions calculations.
Working with an award-winning program that can put environmental regulations into understandable language.
Assisting with the preparation and submittal of requests for determinations, permit applications and plans.
Explaining permit requirements and setting up customized record keeping and reporting systems.
Finding alternative materials and processes to help reduce your regulatory burden.
Special opportunities may be available to small businesses that specialize in Greening Your Business, Pollution Prevention, or New Technology Development. EMAP consultants can help you with those issues and opportunities.