Go Global: U.S. Export Regulations and Controls

Exports present boundless opportunities for growth, given that 95% of the world’s population resides outside of the U.S. Although exporting can be fruitful for a business, exporters have a significant responsibility to practice due diligence in their activities. They must adhere to U.S. export control and sanctions laws to safeguard U.S. national security and foreign policy interests, avoid costly penalties, and lower or eliminate their criminal liability.
Sponsors: Pennsylvania Small Business Development Center, Widener University SBDC, Gannon University SBDC, Duquesne University SBDC, University of Pittsburgh SBDC, Regional Export Network, World Trade Center of Greater Philadelphia, U.S. Commercial Service, and the Small Business Administration.
9:00am – 9:05am: Bill Pearce, Widener University SBDC. Maggie Horne, Gannon University SBDC and Doug Harding, Duquesne University SBDC. Welcome Remarks.
9:05am – 9:20am: Michael McCray, MTM Global Services, Philadelphia, PA “Managing Your Export Control Compliance System”
9:20am – 9:35am: Russell Carr, Export Launch, West Chester, PA, “Creating Successful US Shippers Letters of Instruction (SLI)”
9:35am – 9:50am: Sunny Yang, Frost Brown Todd LLP. Pittsburgh, PA, “Legal Trends in US Export Compliance and Regulation”.
9:50am – 9:55am: Ed Schick, SBA Export Finance
9:55am – 10:00am: Dale Foote, REN – World Trade Center of Greater Philadelphia. PA Exports
10:00am – 10:05am: Tony Ceballos, U.S. Commercial Service
10:05am – 10:15am: Bill Pearce, Widener University SBDC. Q&A.
10:15am – 10:30am: Closing Remarks