COE Health: Meet the Angel

This workshop will give attendees the chance to hear from an experienced health & life sciences angel investor. Learn from our panelist, Bernard Rudnick, what it takes to get initial funding for a health and life science related product or startup.
Our panelist, Bernard C. Rudnick, is founder and managing partner of CapGenic Advisors, LLC, and a member/founder of several investment groups. He founded Mid-Atlantic Diamond Ventures at the Fox School of business, Co-Founded, Mid-Atlantic Bio Angels, a NY based angel group. Bernie is Chief Judge of the Angel Venture Fair, a member of Robin Hood Ventures and sits on the steering committee of three Keiretsu investment funds. In 2019 Bernie co-founded and served as CEO of Virion Pharmaceuticals through last year. He was CFO and Director of Atrin Pharmaceuticals and was Director and CFO of Immunomic Therapeutics, two FiReStarter companies. Immunomic Therapeutics completed a license with Astellas which resulted in the largest ($300M) upfront payment in its class of drugs and a $130M distribution to investors.
Mr. Rudnick’s entrepreneurial career spans a number of startups, three of which grew to over $50M in revenue before liquidity events. With 40 years’ experience in executive-level strategy, finance, and management, Mr. Rudnick has senior merger, acquisition, capital formation, and licensing leadership experience from start-ups to Fortune 50 companies. He has substantial experience investing and guiding entrepreneurial companies, and has led capital formation of $538M and strategic and licensing transactions of several billion. His advisory clients have included Mitsui (Mitrix), DuPont (Agri-chemical), McKesson Bioservices (now TMO), and Kika Clinical Solutions (now IBM).

In this webinar, you'll receive:
- Networking opportunities with health care angel investors
- Knowledge on what a successful healthcare start up looks like

Who should attend?
Health and Life Science Entrepreneurs who:
- Are Starting a Company
- Creating New Health Related Products
This session will be led by Tim Daniel, a Widener SBDC Consultant who helps entrepreneurs acquire new skills to innovate and grow. As a senior advisor of innovation and business strategy, Tim supports business development through analysis and translation of industry trends and outside changes that impact company strategy. He provides mentorship to high-potential thought leaders and serves as a catalyst for driving a culture of innovation.